Ramblings of an IT geek

FreeNAS0 > FreeNAS1

Almost there... the final piece of the FreeNAS0 jigsaw. Creating the replication of data back from FreeNAS0 > FreeNAS1 and turning FreeNAS1 into the backup. It all reminded me a little of A New Hope, and Darth Vaders quote to Obi-Wan 'When I met you I was but the...

FreeNAS0 – SSD Pool

I'd been thinking about this for some time, as moving my jails and small databases onto an SSD pool should have a decent performance improvement, whilst also reducing the fragmentation on my HD pool. As fortune would have it, I had a couple of old enterprise 480GB...

FreeNAS0 – Network Woes

No, my network looks nothing like that, but it has felt a little bit like that trying to work out why I was getting intermittent connectivity to the new Ubuntu 18.04 VM's I'd created here. The fix to my network woes was pretty simple when I'd worked out what was...

FreeNAS0 – Docker & Portainer

So I covered off setting up the Virtual Machines here, but I expected some fun and games trying to replicate my Docker & Portainer environment on FreeNAS0 so thought it deserved its own blog. Turns out it wasn't that big a job. I have the following configured to...

FreeNAS0 – Virtualise

Although I might still try and get my old crashplan VM running on FreeNAS0, I always had it in my mind that I'd virtualise main use cases - ONLYOFFICE Document Service, Crashplan and Docker - on Ubuntu 18.04 on FreeNAS0. Creating the Virtual Machine(s) Creating the VM...

FreeNAS0 – Config 2 (SSH & Virtualisation)

This won't be as long as part 1 here, and while isn't wasn't without some issues, it proved to be easier than I expected. It also allowed me to do things in a slightly different way. To be honest, the SSH issue kind of resolved itself. I was trying to get around the...

FreeNAS0 – Config 1 (not so long)

Version 1 of this blog was going to be a long and winding affair that went through re-configuring FreeNAS0 with all the config from FreeNAS1, MANUALLY. The more I thought about what needed to be changed, the more I began to think saving the config from FreeNAS1 and...

FreeNAS0 – Build 2

It's here! Say hello to the Supermicro X11SSL-CF motherboard. Before we begin, I know I'm not going to be following all the recommendations (e.g. memory tests, disk burn-in, etc.) when deploying a new server. I am going to be running it for a few weeks while the data...

LimeSurvey FreeBSD Jail

I've blogged about my use of LimeSurvey before (here and here and probably a few other places too), but I'd been using it in a ubuntu VM via a Docker container as I hadn't seen a guide for running a LimeSurvey jail using iocage on FreeBSD, or specifically my FreeNAS...

FreeNAS0 – Build 1

No, my Supermicro motherboard still hasn't arrived, so I can't really start the build, but I did manage to allay one of the fears I had about the internal WD drives. You might have spotted in an earlier picture, but the hole layout on the bottom of the drives is...

Withings HR Steel Revisited

I blogged about this back at the beginning of the year here, but after reading that the Health App now supports multiple trackers, and Withings offered a great Black Friday deal, I'm now rocking an HR Steel again. The Black Friday deal was even better than the deal I...

FreeNAS0 – Parts

They've started to arrive! Unfortunately, the motherboard that everything connects to isn't going to arrive until around the 13 December, so I'll just have a pile of parts in the corner of my office until it does! In the meantime, here are some pictures 🙂 1 x Intel...

FreeNAS0 – Ordered

Well that all happened quickly! Some spare time while my partner and daughter were out today, and everything I need for FreeNAS0 is ordered! CaseFractal Define R5 + FD-FAN-SSR2-140MotherboardSupermicro X11SSL-CFCPUIntel Xeon E3-1230 v6 Memory4 x Crucial 16GB DDR4-2666...


My new FreeNAS0 build started today, or at least the first few components were ordered online! I've been planning this for some months, so quite an exciting first step which I hope to complete before the end of the year! I've currently got 2 machines running FreeNAS...

rEFInd Again

This is the continuing story of my elementary OS 5 Juno installation, and fixing rEFInd again. And this, is a really good blog that explains doing all this stuff much better than mine 🙂 That does a great job of...

elementary OS 5 Juno

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Well, maybe not quite that dramatic, but back in 2016 when I started this blog it was talking about installing Linux on an old MacBook Air. That turned out to be elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki, but earlier this year a new version...

Mattermost (aka APE Slack)

Until a few weeks ago, I'd never even heard of Mattermost, although I've enjoyed using Slack for a few work and personal projects.  In less than a couple of hours, I now have my own Slack-like server, running Mattermost! Docker continues to impress me, as it's such a...

Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi6 Router (RAX80)

This really isn't the blog I was expecting to be writing when I ordered this WiFi6 router online, but I'm quite pleased with the way things have turned out as I've solved my DHCP problem in the previous blog pretty cheaply! I'd assumed the DHCP problem was being...

AirPort and FreeNAS Issues

Or should that be FreeNAS and AirPort issues? Given my UPS died less than a couple of weeks ago (I blogged about the new one here), the saying 'bad things come in threes' seems pretty relevant for me at the minute! Saturday It started on Saturday evening, which at...

AirPods Pro

You can probably tell from the flurry of blogs, that I'm catching up on a few things I drafted over the last few weeks! The Apple AirPod Pro was my lastest purchase, which I picked up from the Apple store last Thursday (31 October), the day after they were launched! I...

March 2025
