Ramblings of an IT geek


Another calendar related blog, this time spanning back much longer than Star Wars Lego. This is my 15th, yes, fifteenth, Kylie calendar and a Christmas present I always look forward to the opening! I'll update this each month so you too (is there anybody...

emby – 2 months in and no Plex

I've been using emby in anger now for two months, so thought I'd provide a quick update on how things have gone.  I still have a jail running Plex 1.8.4, but it remains logged out of and other than running in the background, scanning and updating with any new...

Certbot Cron – Automagically generate SSL certificates

I thought after the successful renewal of my certificates here, I'd set up a certbot cron task to run every day that should automagically renew any certificates due to expire within the next 30 days 😉 I've always struggled with using crontab on FreeBSD as it uses the...

AWStats – how is my server being accessed

My recent blog about cron reminded me that I'd started this one, but hadn't got around to finishing it.  I'm using cron in the same jail to run an hourly task to update the web statistic for AWStats that I'd set up in my reverse proxy jail.  I had it set-up and...

Philips Fidelio – now doing what it should!

What is a Philips Fidelio I hear you ask?  Well, it's an Airplay speaker I've had for about six years and for the most of that time it has gone completely unused, mainly because it was completely unusable!  After posting a review on the Philips website, I've now been...

Virgin Media Superhub 3 – even faster broadband!

You might remember earlier this year when I got a surprise call from Virgin Media and a new TiVo v6 box, which I blogged about here.  Well, this time it was my turn to call Virgin and try to negotiate a better price for my Broadband, TV, and Telephone services.  The...

Happy Blogday

Happy Blogday!  It's a full year, 12 months or 365 days since my very first blog here! When I started, I really wasn't sure where it might lead, and whilst I've strayed somewhat off-topic for many of my blogs - which started about MacBook Airs and Linux - I've enjoyed...

CrashPlan again – some memory issues

After running so reliably for such a long time, I'd received another e-mail from CrashPlan today to say my backup set was below 100%.  Time for some investigation.... The last time, the drive was full, so I needed to expand the VirtualBox Virtual Drive which I blogged...

SSL Certificate Renewal

It was time for my SSL certificate renewal, which I blogged about creating here.  At the end of that blog, the dry-run had worked fine, so I wasn't expecting any issues with the renewal.  Expectations are not always reality though... Since creating the SSL...

Resize VirtualBox Disk

I received an e-mail today telling me that CrashPlan hadn't backed up for the last 3 days.  I have CrashPlan running in a VirtualBox jail as I blogged about here, and I very rarely check it as it just does its stuff in the background, and sends me a weekly update to...


The first question I'd be asking if I'd read the other Plex 🙁 emby:-) blog is whether emby is actually a good replacement for Plex, or is it just too much of a compromise?  Well, 'out of the box' so to speak, I'd probably say it wasn't but it's not too difficult to...

Farewell Plex 🙁 Hello emby 🙂

I write this blog with a heavy heart, having already blogged a number for times about my love of Plex. That love affair has come to an abrupt end due to upcoming changes to the Plex Privacy Policy. In today's connected world, genuine privacy is virtually impossible....


Beautiful, aren't they?  Never really thought about it?  Probably!  And why on earth are you blogging about butterflies? Good question, and one that probably needs addressing right now! My daughter was five a couple of weeks ago, and she loves butterflies....

CrashPlan Pro

It doesn't seem that long since I last blogged about CrashPlan, mainly because it isn't!  I'd mentioned it previously in other blogs but wrote specifically about how I use it here at the end of May.  So what's changed?   Quite a lot actually, yet at the same time very...

SSL Reverse Proxy Jail

I've written a few blogs about this subject too (most recently here), so after several attempts which worked, but were a little messy, I've done a bit more research.  That's led me to create a single jail to work as a both a reverse proxy with SSL.  I'll be using all...

Where have you lived?

Along a similar theme to the Car blog, I got to thinking about all the places I'd lived in the last 45 years.  Again, these are places I've spent at least a few months living at, and not just a few weeks visiting.  I'll save that list for another blog! St Wilfred's...

Queensferry Crossing

You might have seen a previous blog with pictures of the iconic bridges crossing the Forth at Queensferry, but if you haven't we live pretty close by and whilst we don't use the bridges that often, we get to see them from time to time.  Over the past 18 months...


Is there another city anywhere around the world which transforms so dramatically for a month each year?  I don't think I've visited one, or at least not one that changes quite as much as Edinburgh does during August when the Fringe comes to town. It's one benefits of...

Lego(land/ Builders)

  This is one of those posts I'd saved as a draft, but not got around to writing!  I thought about it again a couple of weeks ago after a visit to Legoland in Windsor, although still didn't get around to it.  Today was my daughters 5th Birthday party, and we'd...


  What is ONLYOFFICE I hear you ask?  Well, it's a very good question and one I wouldn't have known the answer to until today!   I only found out myself today as I decided to upgrade my ownCloud server from 9.1.5 to 10.0.2.  ownCloud 10 (or X as some have been...

October 2024
