Ramblings of an IT geek

Remote Controlled Drone

I've always loved playing around with remote controlled things, and have a number of them around the house. I've been thinking about getting one of the cheaper GPS drones for a little while now and was finally seduced at the beginning of the month. I've had my remote...

New iPad

I talked about some of my older tech in this blog, but it's been some time since I bought a new iPad.  I bought an iPad 2 back in 2011 and didn't really use it much, and then an iPad Mini 2 in 2014, and while I used that a little more I still didn't really get...

Geneva Motor Show

One of my good friends is a bit of a car geek so I went along with him for a day at the Geneva Motor Show back in March, having never been to a motor show before... I was going to spend a bit of time writing about some of the cars we saw, but I've left it too long and...

Old iPhone

This is one of those blogs I started about 2 months ago, and only got around to finishing off today! I've been running my own company since 2003 and had a pretty standard approach to replacing the ICT equipment I use or at least did until recently when I was still...

WordPress 5.2 and PHP 7.3

A short blog with a quick update to this one about PHP, this time with a little WordPress 5.2! I'd updated my WordPress jail to PHP 7.2 not too long ago, but the recent WordPress 5.2 update introduced the Site Health Check, and this reported that my PHP version was...

Silfra (aka Colder Dive) One of my highlights from our Easter adventure was a bucket list dive at Silfra in Iceland. Play the video above and see why for yourself...

iMac Repair

It's always a slightly nervous operation when my iMac needs opening up, but on return from my holiday it wouldn't boot and everything was pointing toward the SSD I'd installed when I first got my 2011 iMac. I ordered a replacement on Amazon which arrived the next day....

Easter Holiday – London

Day 10 cont. Our last stop-over was only added as it was cheaper to fly back to London, spend a few nights and get the train home, than fly direct back to Edinburgh. It seemed like a good idea, although was maybe a little much after the Iceland and New York legs. When...

Easter Holiday – Iceland

It's always the same with these 'travel blogs' in that I never find time to write them whilst I'm travelling, and it always seems a bit of a chore when I finally back home, but my daughter did a brilliant job of hers (at least until we got back to the UK) so I'm going...

Easter Holiday

This is going to be a bit of a long one, or at least will be if you read this and the following blogs, which I'll make for each destination. They will be a synopsis of our Easter holiday which started on Sunday 7 April @ 04:00 and an early morning taxi to Edinburgh...

Time Machine is dead, long live Time Machine

Time Machine is the backup utility that's been built into MacOS since I started using OS X back in 2008. It's really great and has a wonderful interface, although has some limitations and has never really played nicely with FreeNAS. The latest FreeNAS U2 point release...

Cold dive

I managed to get a free Sunday when some of the West Lothian Sub Aqua Club were diving, so it was time for my first trip underwater in 2019... When I first started diving, I didn't tend to mind all the faffing that goes along with UK diving, but the older I get, and...

Withings (Steel HR)

I drafted a fairly positive blog about the Withings Steel HR at the end of last year when I bought and tested this for a few days. That was before the customer service nightmare I've had with Withings since then, which has somewhat tainted my view of them and their...


I've had this sat as a draft blog for some time, but rather than spend time telling you what I think, try and get yourself a copy of Beachlife and just listen to it - you won't regret it.  It's one of my favourite compilation albums of all time!

A New Year with FreeNAS Up-to-date

Unlike my update at the end of last year, I go into the New Year with FreeNAS up-to-date.  I'm running the latest version (11.2-U1), my jails are all on the latest version of FreeBSD (11.2) and they are mostly running the latest packages.  I've even updated...

Some PHP updates

I've recently updated my Nextcloud jail to 15.0 and noticed one of the Apps wanted a newer version of PHP.  It was running PHP 7.1.17 (which isn't really that out of date) but I thought it might be time for some PHP updates across a number of jails... PHP is one...

Happy New Year

Blogging in bed is hardly the best way to celebrate the New Year and 2019, but I've got a chest infection and coughing feels like I've swallowed a set of knives!   2018 had its ups and downs, but here's hoping that 2019 will be the best (and last) 'teen that...

Christmas Whisky

Merry Christmas and a whisky New Year!  A pretty good haul this year if I do say so myself, and that doesn't include the Dalwhinnie Winter's Gold I'd picked up myself in the supermarket with the Christmas shopping. The Ardmore was a gift from my Mum and the...

October 2024
