Ramblings of an IT geek


I've had this sat as a draft blog for some time, but rather than spend time telling you what I think, try and get yourself a copy of Beachlife and just listen to it - you won't regret it.  It's one of my favourite compilation albums of all time!

A New Year with FreeNAS Up-to-date

Unlike my update at the end of last year, I go into the New Year with FreeNAS up-to-date.  I'm running the latest version (11.2-U1), my jails are all on the latest version of FreeBSD (11.2) and they are mostly running the latest packages.  I've even updated...

Some PHP updates

I've recently updated my Nextcloud jail to 15.0 and noticed one of the Apps wanted a newer version of PHP.  It was running PHP 7.1.17 (which isn't really that out of date) but I thought it might be time for some PHP updates across a number of jails... PHP is one...

Happy New Year

Blogging in bed is hardly the best way to celebrate the New Year and 2019, but I've got a chest infection and coughing feels like I've swallowed a set of knives!   2018 had its ups and downs, but here's hoping that 2019 will be the best (and last) 'teen that...

Christmas Whisky

Merry Christmas and a whisky New Year!  A pretty good haul this year if I do say so myself, and that doesn't include the Dalwhinnie Winter's Gold I'd picked up myself in the supermarket with the Christmas shopping. The Ardmore was a gift from my Mum and the...

Advent Calendar

Although I'm not sure anyone (other than me) is following this blog, if you were you might be wondering what had happened to my Lego Advert Calender this year? I'm still opening one this year, although 'officially' it's my daughter's calendar. She has her own Lego...

Norlan Glasses

I've been thinking about buying one of these Norlan glasses for some time, but always struggled with the price - £42 for two whisky glasses is a bit steep!  But I was buying some other glasses this week, the supplier has these on offer, and buying both...

WordPress 5.0

So many major updates as the year comes to an end.  Last weekend, FreeNAS 11.2.  Today, Wordpress 5.0 (well, actually 5.0.1 as I've held off for a little while!) I needn't have worried.  Given all the testing that has been done with the Guttenberg editor...

FreeNAS 11.2

It's been a while coming, but FreeNAS 11.2-RELEASE is finally here and whilst I was somewhat apprehensive about updating to the first release, it's been relatively painless and everything is still working! iXsystems have been on a pretty rocky road with FreeNAS since...


It's been over a month since my last blog - the longest gap since I started blogging 2 years ago.  Yes, it's been 2 years since I started on this journey of talking to myself 🙂  There are just too many things fighting for my time at present, with my new...

Stanley Dynagrip Cartridge Knife 18MM 0 10 480 (Old Version)

I decided to write this blog as I've just bought a Stanley Dynagrip Cartridge Knife and almost ended up returning it as I couldn't work out how it went back together.  Struggled to find anything online, before finally working it out! I liked the idea of this...

LimeSurvey – Adding a new Docker Service

Whilst this blog is specifically about setting up LimeSurvey, it's probably more about the steps to adding new Docker Service on my FreeNAS server. One of the best things about Docker is simplicity and speed of firing up a new service.  In the case of LimeSurvey, it's...

Virtual cycling

Well, an indoor cycle trainer, a couple of Wahoo sensors and some Apps on my iPhone.  About as close to virtual cycling as I'm going to get! When I noticed one of my friends selling an indoor cycle trainer on FaceBook for £30 it seemed like too good an offer to...

Windows VM on FreeNAS

When I upgraded my FreeNAS server from 9.10.1-U4 I lost my VirtualBox VMs.  I’d managed to recreate the ubuntu and FreeNAS ones using iohyve/bhyve, but hadn’t managed to replace the Windows VM on FreeNAS, until today! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for some...

Home Assistant docker to iocage jail

I'd blogged about using Home Assistant here, but this was running in a Docker container.  I've found a much nice way to run it in an iocage jail...         I came across this thread on the Home Assistant forum and it really is a very...


Thought I'd just put this up here as it's likely to be the main reason for less blogs over the next few months.  Meet Vanessa 😀

How I use Docker on FreeNAS

I last blogged about Docker here and have been playing with it ever since.  I thought the configuration and how I use docker on FreeNAS might make an interesting update, so here it is! So a little background first.  I'm still running Docker inside a Ubuntu 16.4 byhve...

OpenVPN iocage jail

A few months ago I migrated almost all of my FreeNAS jails from Warden to iocage, but the OpenVPN one proved too much of a challenge.  I had another go today and now have a working OpenVPN iocage jail! To be honest, not all that sure what I did differently in terms of...

Harrogate’s Young Cyclist of the Year – 1983

I blogged about cycling here and made reference to one of the few things I've ever won.  And here's the proof - Harrogate's Young Cyclist of the Year 1983! I was watching the build up to the Mens Wimbledon final and my daughter asked how long the players get to keep...

World Cup 2018 (It’s Coming Home?)

I love a World Cup year, and there's nothing better than being 'between contracts' in a World Cup year with the tournament due to kick off tomorrow! Not going to say much, other than the BBC has a great web page for predicting the results so I thought I'd...

March 2025
