Ramblings of an IT geek

Bloggers Block

Not really, but I just Googled 'bloggers block' and was amazed to see it's a real thing!  Pages and pages of useful tips for when I do suffer, but my problem at the minute is time and the lack of. I think I have more draft posts saved than I have actual posts, and...

Mission to Mars

I'm currently working in the Public sector (at least for the next 2 weeks!) providing my expertise around all things IT and Procurement 😀  As a result, I got asked to go along to an event a couple of weeks ago (on my birthday, if you're interested) that XMA...


I still consider myself to be very much a newbie when it comes to WordPress, even after completing the Udemy course which I blogged about here. During the course, we used many different themes, from some of the default installed ones to various premium...

Dalwhinnie 15

What a wonderful surprise!  A good friend messaged me earlier in the week to check my address and let me know he was posting something up to me.  It arrived this morning and was a bottle of Dalwhinnie 15-Year-Old Whisky.  Do surprises get any better?...


After my last post, I realised the next one would be my 50th, so thought I'd commemorate it with its own dedicated post! The search for an appropriate image can be seen below, but also got me thinking.  I can't say I've ever been a big fan of The Who, but after 50...

Completed the Complete WordPress Website Business Course

I mentioned this course in an earlier blog, but finally got it finished this week!  I really like the idea of Udemy, which provides online access to hundreds of really good training courses covering a wide range of subjects.  They're pretty good value...

SSL update

I thought I'd published this blog, but I'd only saved as a draft, so in terms of a timeline, I actually wrote this before I moved my blog from web to WordPress.  It's only relevant regarding the FreeBSD 9 EOL, as the problems described below had been learned...

Moving from web to wordpress (part 2)

I'm writing this about a week after the event, so it might not be entirely accurate, but needless to say it wasn't quite as straightforward as I'd expected when I first had the idea! As mentioned previously, the FreeNAS jail I was using to host WordPress previously...

Moving from web to wordpress (part 1)

I'VE MOVED MY BLOG!   Not that you'll really care, as I suspect you never actually found the old one 🙂 If you've read through anything before this, you might have worked out that my WordPress installation was running in a FreeNAS jail with a FEMP stack.  I...

When did BA become RyanAir?

I haven't flown with British Airways (BA) for a couple of years, but the last time I did they still allowed you to pick a seat when checking in and provided a complimentary drink and snack en route.  Just back from a short trip to Oxford (via London Heathrow) and...

Dongle to the rescue

Now, who said dongles were a bad thing?  I guess they are in the sense that they're often seen as a replacement to standard IO ports in the march toward building thinner and lighter laptops, but to be honest for the number of times I actually need to use them...

Ping Pong

I played ping pong for a bit of fun at university, mainly when there wasn't a pool table free in the students union!  I always enjoyed it, but never really considered it as a great way to keep fit.  After a couple of sessions at a local course I've signed up...


Well, the answer to the question is a resounding YES, although there is a fairly BIG caveat! On my first attempt, I'd selected the Grub boot loader as this is what eOS uses so I'd through from compatibility perspective it would make perfect sense....

PC-BSD is dead, long live TrueOS

Well, that was probably an even a bigger schoolboy error than not reading the PC-BSD manual!  In my search to find a solution to my 'Start X' error, it turns out the PC-BSD is no longer supported but is pretty much continuing under the TrueOS banner. Whilst you...


I've been wanted to get back to where we started, specifically my MacBook Air (MBA) and doing something with the spare partition I created when I setup eOS, but I hadn't really found the time or decided what I was going to use it for. Given FreeNAS runs on FreeBSD I...

Harmony Elite Remote

After getting to grips with Alexa (well kind of) I thought I'd ramp up the home automation and get a Harmony remote to consolidate all my other remotes and allow for some further voice activation. After reading lots of reviews, I was really torn between the...

I want to ride my bicycle

I used to love cycling as a kid and have many happy memories of spending hours and hours, not really going anywhere but hanging out with friends and having fun. One memory from back in the early '80s is taking part in a scheme called Cycling Proficiency if my fading...

HDD failure

Always a pain, but at least with my FreeNAS set-up, it's never too much of a worry knowing I can tolerate 2 failed drives without any loss of data, whilst also having the safety net of a full local backup. To be honest, the drive in question hadn't actually failed but...


In my earlier FreeNAS post I talked about my use of VirtualBox (VB) and thought it might be useful to do a 'How to...' type blog showing show to create a VB jail and get a Virtual Machine (VM) up and running.  It's really not that difficult, I promise! FreeNAS...

Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side

I've seen these decals on other people's Mac's before, and always thought they looked a bit tacky, but when I saw this one pop up in my Facebook feed, I couldn't help but click the link.   It cost less than £10 delivered from so I was seduced...

March 2025
