
Pi-hole logo

I got a Raspberry Pi 4 for Christmas, although never really had in mind running Pi-hole. I’ve also been playing around with various browsers, which is what actually got me thinking about using Pi-hole. And finally, after a couple of Youtube videos I decided to give Pi-hole a spin for myself, but not on my Raspberry Pi 4, but in a Ubuntu VM on my FreeNAS server!




I’d blogged out using ONLYOFFICE before here, but I never really got around to using it for anything serious and simply played around with it from time to time. After recreating my Docker VM (running Ubuntu 18.04) I had some issues getting it up and running again, so thought I’d write this more ONLYOFFICE blog!


Upgrading Jails

Upgrading jails in FreeNAS has always been a little problematic. It’s slightly less so now, but is still fraught with danger and never to be taken lightly. This was going to be the story of one such upgrade (my SSL-Proxy jail) but thinking about it over the past few weeks has turned it into more of an overview of the different ways of upgrading jails.
