My new FreeNAS0 build started today, or at least the first few components were ordered online! I’ve been planning this for some months, so quite an exciting first step which I hope to complete before the end of the year!
(more…)My new FreeNAS0 build started today, or at least the first few components were ordered online! I’ve been planning this for some months, so quite an exciting first step which I hope to complete before the end of the year!
(more…)Or should that be FreeNAS and AirPort issues? Given my UPS died less than a couple of weeks ago (I blogged about the new one here), the saying ‘bad things come in threes’ seems pretty relevant for me at the minute!
(more…)My old APC Back-UPS ES – BE700G-UK decided to give up the ghost last weekend, started beeping and switched everything off! I bought it in 2011, so it’s not done too badly, costing me about £10 a year! It was probably a little underpowered for the equipment I had connected anyway, so it was time for an upgrade. Meet my new CyberPower UPS!
(more…)A short blog with a quick update to this one about PHP, this time with a little WordPress 5.2!
(more…)It’s been over a month since my last blog – the longest gap since I started blogging 2 years ago. Yes, it’s been 2 years since I started on this journey of talking to myself 🙂 There are just too many things fighting for my time at present, with my new contract, daughter and dog taking up most of it.
I’ve been looking into potential replacements for the current internet/intranet solutions at work, so decided to have a play with MediaWiki as they are using this for a few things, but could be using it more.
(more…)Whilst this blog is specifically about setting up LimeSurvey, it’s probably more about the steps to adding new Docker Service on my FreeNAS server.
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