May 20, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server |

OK, so I wasn’t expecting this to be straight forward, but I also didn’t expect to fall at the first hurdle!
I knew I couldn’t use the auto updater built into FreeNAS, as this will take me to the latest stable or nightly train. I was hoping I could just download the 9.10.1-U4 iso file from and then use the Manual Update button to run this. This throws up an error message before it’s even copied the files across to the temporary location. (more…)
May 19, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server |
Firstly, why oh why does FreeNAS version numbering need to so complicated, and why does it need to change every few updates from dot numbering, then date numbering, back to dot and then the addition of uN? Don’t think I’ll ever understand it, but it’s only a minor reason I’m still running version 9.3.1 which dates back to May 17, 2015, so now just over one year old. (more…)
Feb 10, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server |
I thought I’d published this blog, but I’d only saved as a draft, so in terms of a timeline, I actually wrote this before I moved my blog from web to WordPress. It’s only relevant regarding the FreeBSD 9 EOL, as the problems described below had been learned before creating my WordPress jail, hence the reason it wasn’t mentioned!
Well, as my SSL certificate from an earlier blog was coming up for expiry later this month I thought I better have a go at setting up certbot on my Nginx-proxy server, so I don’t have to mess around creating a cert manually and copying it across to the server.
Feb 9, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server, WordPress |

I’m writing this about a week after the event, so it might not be entirely accurate, but needless to say it wasn’t quite as straightforward as I’d expected when I first had the idea!
Feb 7, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server, WordPress |
Not that you’ll really care, as I suspect you never actually found the old one 🙂
If you’ve read through anything before this, you might have worked out that my WordPress installation was running in a FreeNAS jail with a FEMP stack. I use it for various things, of which WordPress was just one.
I was wanting to update the ‘MP’ bit of my stack for WordPress but thought it would be easier to create a new jail with an up to date FEMP stack and then use some of the WordPress knowledge I’d gained to rebuild things in a jail dedicated to WordPress.
So I moved from to (well, actually and I’ll post a little more about the trials and tribulations of the move in another post here.
So it’s goodbye ‘web’ and hello ‘wordpress’. Maybe after a few months, you’ll find this blog and wonder what on earth this post was all about…

Jan 19, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server |
Always a pain, but at least with my FreeNAS set-up, it’s never too much of a worry knowing I can tolerate 2 failed drives without any loss of data, whilst also having the safety net of a full local backup.
To be honest, the drive in question hadn’t actually failed but had reported SMART errors for a month or so. It started with just 8 unrecoverable sectors, which I tend to ignore for a short time. Only when it jumps above 8 do I take action, which it did yesterday.
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