Farewell FreeNAS2 (N54L Microserver)

I had to check back through my company accounts to try and work out exactly when I bought my Hewlett Packard N54L Microserver. Turns out it was September 2014, so it’s just over 5 years old.
(more…)I had to check back through my company accounts to try and work out exactly when I bought my Hewlett Packard N54L Microserver. Turns out it was September 2014, so it’s just over 5 years old.
(more…)Almost there… the final piece of the FreeNAS0 jigsaw. Creating the replication of data back from FreeNAS0 > FreeNAS1 and turning FreeNAS1 into the backup. It all reminded me a little of A New Hope, and Darth Vaders quote to Obi-Wan ‘When I met you I was but the learner. Now, I am the master’. FreeNAS0 is now the master, but perhaps it just the 9 hours of Star Wars I enjoyed on Wednesday night/Thursday morning!
(more…)I’d been thinking about this for some time, as moving my jails and small databases onto an SSD pool should have a decent performance improvement, whilst also reducing the fragmentation on my HD pool.
(more…)No, my network looks nothing like that, but it has felt a little bit like that trying to work out why I was getting intermittent connectivity to the new Ubuntu 18.04 VM’s I’d created here. The fix to my network woes was pretty simple when I’d worked out what was causing the problem.
(more…)So I covered off setting up the Virtual Machines here, but I expected some fun and games trying to replicate my Docker & Portainer environment on FreeNAS0 so thought it deserved its own blog. Turns out it wasn’t that big a job.
(more…)Although I might still try and get my old crashplan VM running on FreeNAS0, I always had it in my mind that I’d virtualise main use cases – ONLYOFFICE Document Service, Crashplan and Docker – on Ubuntu 18.04 on FreeNAS0.
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