APE Wiki

I had a few spare hours yesterday and had been meaning to try and recreate the MediaWiki docker container inside a FreeNAS jail. A few gotchas were found but they were resolved pretty quickly, and I now have my own APE Wiki!
(more…)I had a few spare hours yesterday and had been meaning to try and recreate the MediaWiki docker container inside a FreeNAS jail. A few gotchas were found but they were resolved pretty quickly, and I now have my own APE Wiki!
(more…)This is as much a reference for me as it is anything else, but I needed to resize a couple of virtual disks over the weekend, and these are the pretty simple steps to do it, at least for my FreeNAS configuration.
(more…)I got a Raspberry Pi 4 for Christmas, although never really had in mind running Pi-hole. I’ve also been playing around with various browsers, which is what actually got me thinking about using Pi-hole. And finally, after a couple of Youtube videos I decided to give Pi-hole a spin for myself, but not on my Raspberry Pi 4, but in a Ubuntu VM on my FreeNAS server!
(more…)Very much like my update at the beginning of 2019, I go into 2020 with FreeNAS up-to-date. I’m running the latest version (11.2-U7) on both of my machines, all of my jails are all on the latest version of FreeBSD possible (11.3-p5), and they are mostly running the latest packages. The biggest change this year is hardware-related, as I’ve just finished building FreeNAS0, moving FreeNAS1 to backup duties, and retiring FreeNAS2 (which will be going on eBay shortly!)
(more…)I had to check back through my company accounts to try and work out exactly when I bought my Hewlett Packard N54L Microserver. Turns out it was September 2014, so it’s just over 5 years old.
(more…)Almost there… the final piece of the FreeNAS0 jigsaw. Creating the replication of data back from FreeNAS0 > FreeNAS1 and turning FreeNAS1 into the backup. It all reminded me a little of A New Hope, and Darth Vaders quote to Obi-Wan ‘When I met you I was but the learner. Now, I am the master’. FreeNAS0 is now the master, but perhaps it just the 9 hours of Star Wars I enjoyed on Wednesday night/Thursday morning!
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