Time Machine is dead, long live Time Machine

Time Machine is the backup utility that’s been built into MacOS since I started using OS X back in 2008. It’s really great and has a wonderful interface, although has some limitations and has never really played nicely with FreeNAS. The latest FreeNAS U2 point release I installed today might just fix that though…


iMac Bluetooth Woes


So, for the past few months, I’ve been having Bluetooth connection problems on my 2011 iMac, which given I use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse is a bit of a problem. (more…)


I’ve been wanted to get back to where we started, specifically my MacBook Air (MBA) and doing something with the spare partition I created when I setup eOS, but I hadn’t really found the time or decided what I was going to use it for.

Given FreeNAS runs on FreeBSD I thought that was probably the most sensible option, so decided to give PC-BSD a shot, mainly as I expected that to be a lot easier than trying to install FreeBSD and then get a desktop environment up and running (although I had managed that in a virtual machine running a Xfce desktop).  If PC-BSD works, then maybe I’ll try that next.


Episode IV – A New App?

I’ve decided to try and break this down into 2 blogs, and as a small homage to the greatest film ever made I’m calling the first one Episode IV!  

I thought it would be useful to understand what I use in macOS before diving into the alternatives available in eOS.  This is likely to be a real deal-breaker, as I know some of the things I use daily just don’t exist outside macOS, but let’s cover off some of this to begin.  
