Merry Christmas and a whisky New Year! A pretty good haul this year if I do say so myself, and that doesn’t include the Dalwhinnie Winter’s Gold I’d picked up myself in the supermarket with the Christmas shopping.
The Ardmore was a gift from my Mum and the Glen Moray a present from my Grandma. The Glenlivet and Scapa were both from my partner, via one of her friend’s husbands who works for Pernod Ricard.

I had a wee dram of The Ardmore and Glen Moray last night and they are very different. I can’t say I’m a big fan of peaty/smoky whisky, and whilst this one was described as a light one, it was still a bit strong for my tastes. Perhaps it will grow on me, but after one it was time for another bottle. The Glen Moray is more up my street, and whilst it’s not the greatest Speyside I’ve ever tasted, it’s not too bad.

I know what to expect with the Scapa and have talked about that one before here. I’ve also had a good few Glenlivet’s in the past, although not a 12-Year-Old so will be looking forward to trying that one tonight…
I’ve decided to do another ‘Dry January’ so these are all sat awaiting further tasting in 22 days, not that I’m counting or anything 😉