FreeNAS Manual Update

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OK, so I wasn’t expecting this to be straight forward, but I also didn’t expect to fall at the first hurdle!

I knew I couldn’t use the auto updater built into FreeNAS, as this will take me to the latest stable or nightly train.  I was hoping I could just download the 9.10.1-U4 iso file from and then use the Manual Update button to run this.  This throws up an error message before it’s even copied the files across to the temporary location. (more…)

FreeNAS Upgrade – 9.3.1 to 9.10.1-U4

Firstly, why oh why does FreeNAS version numbering need to so complicated, and why does it need to change every few updates from dot numbering, then date numbering, back to dot and then the addition of uN?  Don’t think I’ll ever understand it, but it’s only a minor reason I’m still running version 9.3.1 which dates back to May 17, 2015, so now just over one year old. (more…)

iMac Bluetooth Woes


So, for the past few months, I’ve been having Bluetooth connection problems on my 2011 iMac, which given I use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse is a bit of a problem. (more…)

Mission to Mars

mission to mars

I’m currently working in the Public sector (at least for the next 2 weeks!) providing my expertise around all things IT and Procurement 😀  As a result, I got asked to go along to an event a couple of weeks ago (on my birthday, if you’re interested) that XMA and Apple have been running across the UK to help teachers understand how to better use iPads and technology in the classroom. (more…)


I still consider myself to be very much a newbie when it comes to WordPress, even after completing the Udemy course which I blogged about here.

During the course, we used many different themes, from some of the default installed ones to various premium plugins using the StudioPress Genesis Framework.  As soon as you start to use some of the premium plugin features, you quickly see the limitations of the standard ones.  While I’m sure with a better understanding of HTML and CSS you can make them do equally clever things, the premium plugins remove the need for that knowledge, and even for someone with it, probably make things much faster and easier to achieve. (more…)