Amateur Photographer

You might have guessed from the last two blog (gallery) posts that I’m a budding amateur photographer, or at least I like going out to take pictures and have far more camera gear than anyone not making money from it really needs!  

I’m also quite fortunate that I live in an area of incredible beauty, and for anyone who’s never visited Scotland, you really should.

Linlithgow Palace is a 5-minute walk for me, so I have lots of pictures taken from walks around the loch.  The Forth Bridges are about a 10-minute drive, so again a fairly regular visit to get some fresh air.


Some WordPress tweaks

I know, another blog that doesn’t continue the eOS saga, but I’ve got things to a point that I really need to be trying to use it on a daily basis and I just don’t have the time, or faith, to attempt that at the moment.  Hopefully, I will at some point, but for now it’s somewhat parked.

Now I’ve caught the blog bug, though, I have spent a little more time playing with WordPress which I was finding a little clunky to use with the vanilla install I’d created.  I mentioned at the start of my blogging journey that I’d set-up a WordPress server as I was working for a client that provided multi-site WordPress to its customers.  On that basis, I’d set-up a multi-site WordPress server, as I had a few ideas about using for other things (my company website for one) but other than trying a few different themes, I hadn’t done much with it at all, other than a plugin for 2FA to secure things a little more.
