Dec 28, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server, WordPress |

As the year draws to an end, I always look back and wonder how the year has passed by so quickly. As I get older, time seems to be moving so much faster, or at least it feels that way. I thought it would be interesting to look back on this blog I posted about how I used my FreeNAS server, as quite a lot has changed over the last 12 months.
Nov 28, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Software |
I’ve been using emby in anger now for two months, so thought I’d provide a quick update on how things have gone. I still have a jail running Plex 1.8.4, but it remains logged out of and other than running in the background, scanning and updating with any new media I’ve added, I’ve not used it for watching any media in the house (although my 5-year-old daughter has used it occasionally on her iPad!). (more…)
Nov 24, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server |

I thought after the successful renewal of my certificates here, I’d set up a certbot cron task to run every day that should automagically renew any certificates due to expire within the next 30 days 😉 (more…)
Nov 22, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Software |

My recent blog about cron reminded me that I’d started this one, but hadn’t got around to finishing it. I’m using cron in the same jail to run an hourly task to update the web statistic for AWStats that I’d set up in my reverse proxy jail. I had it set-up and running on my old FEMP jail, which I blogged about here. It actually makes much more sense for this to happen on my reverse-proxy jail so I can track ALL of the stuff coming into my network.
Nov 16, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Software |
After running so reliably for such a long time, I’d received another e-mail from CrashPlan today to say my backup set was below 100%. Time for some investigation…. (more…)
Oct 30, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Software |

I received an e-mail today telling me that CrashPlan hadn’t backed up for the last 3 days. I have CrashPlan running in a VirtualBox jail as I blogged about here, and I very rarely check it as it just does its stuff in the background, and sends me a weekly update to say everything is fine.
So I used a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) to check the VM and was surprised to see error messages to say it has run out of disk space. When I’d set it up I’d created a virtual disk of 20GB, which I’d assumed would be plenty, but when I investigated it appeared to be all but full. So the daunting task of increasing the size of the VirtualBox .vdi file, which I’ve done before on a Windows VM, but not one running in a Jail on my FreeNAS server. (more…)
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