Sep 28, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server, Software |

The first question I’d be asking if I’d read the other Plex 🙁 emby:-) blog is whether emby is actually a good replacement for Plex, or is it just too much of a compromise? Well, ‘out of the box’ so to speak, I’d probably say it wasn’t but it’s not too difficult to add in some of the missing pieces and after a few days configuring and testing I’d say it mostly is.
Sep 12, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server |

I’ve written a few blogs about this subject too (most recently here), so after several attempts which worked, but were a little messy, I’ve done a bit more research. That’s led me to create a single jail to work as a both a reverse proxy with SSL. I’ll be using all the same tools as before, so NGINX for the reverse-proxy and Certbot to create (and hopefully automatically renew) the LetsEncrypt certificates.
Aug 17, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server, Software |

What is ONLYOFFICE I hear you ask? Well, it’s a very good question and one I wouldn’t have known the answer to until today! (more…)
May 28, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT |

When I built my main FreeNAS server, the machine it replaced was put into backup duties with a nightly replication created to move some of the files from one (freenas1) to the other (freenas2). freenas1 has 9 x 4TB drives configured in an RAIDZ2 pool (similar to RAID6) which means that any two drives could fail, and I wouldn’t loose any data, but everyone should know that redundancy is no substitute for a backup! Using two drives for parity, along with the ZFS overhead leaves me with around 24TB of useable space on freenas1. freenas2 only has 5 x 4TB drives, but these are just configured as a stripe (like RAID0) so provide more storage at the expense of any redundancy. It leaves me with just over 18TB of useable space, so not enough to backup a full freenas1, but certainly the most important stuff. (more…)
May 24, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server, Software |

I thought I’d rebuild my Plex Media Server (PMS) jail today, so it’s using the latest FreeBSD 10.3 template which would hopefully mean when the next PMS update was released, I’d have no problem updating the jail. While the 9.3 template jails continue to work on FreeNAS 9.10, comments on the forum seem to suggest that updating using packages or ports won’t work, so I was trying to get ahead of the game! (more…)
May 21, 2017 | FreeNAS, IT, Server |

The SSL certificate for my company domain ( was due to expire at the beginning of June and was slightly out of kilter with my other certificates. They are all LetsEncrypt ones and are created using Certbot in a jail on my FreeNAS server, but for some reason Certbot had decided it doesn’t want to work anymore, which was one of the main reasons for updating my FreeNAS server here. So after the upgrade, I had to decide whether to rebuild my NGINX proxy server (which I used for running Certbot) or to build a jail just for running Certbot and maintaining the certificates. (more…)
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