The Complete WordPress Website Developer Course

This is just a placeholder for the time being, or maybe even a free advert, but having started playing with WordPress I thought it would be good to learn a little more.  

I’ve taken a few Udemy courses, and for the money, they are usually pretty good.  I’ve just started this course, so will report back once I’ve finished it, but so far so good.

I’ve got part way through one of Rob Percival’s iOS Developer courses and really enjoyed his style.  Having no coding experience, things got hard pretty quickly, but I managed to write a couple of basic Apps for my iPhone before it was parked as needing more time.  This one is presented by one of Rob’s colleagues, but is very similar in style, and not as technical, yet!


Some WordPress tweaks

I know, another blog that doesn’t continue the eOS saga, but I’ve got things to a point that I really need to be trying to use it on a daily basis and I just don’t have the time, or faith, to attempt that at the moment.  Hopefully, I will at some point, but for now it’s somewhat parked.

Now I’ve caught the blog bug, though, I have spent a little more time playing with WordPress which I was finding a little clunky to use with the vanilla install I’d created.  I mentioned at the start of my blogging journey that I’d set-up a WordPress server as I was working for a client that provided multi-site WordPress to its customers.  On that basis, I’d set-up a multi-site WordPress server, as I had a few ideas about using for other things (my company website for one) but other than trying a few different themes, I hadn’t done much with it at all, other than a plugin for 2FA to secure things a little more.
